Sweet April showers do spring May flowers."

A. Nonnie Mouse.


"Liberals champion inclusion

except when they ruthlessly exclude t

hose who dissent from their 'inclusive' views."

R.R. Reno

"While We're At It" in First Things,  October 2016.


"If a tree falls in the forest and the New York Times doesn't hear it,

does it make a sound?"

Michael Hanby

"A More Perfect Absolutism" in First Things, October 2016.


"Mass immigration without an intention to assimilate

is a form of colonization.  It threatens the capacity of a people

to sustain their distinctive form of life

and pass it down to their children."

R. R. Reno

"A Dissolving Age" in First Things, March 2017.


"Accepting mistreatment and injustice when one must,

without complaint,

gives rise to holiness just as in turning the other cheek."

Mark Helprin

"Falling Into Eternity" in First Things, March 2017.


"Faith comes only where it is welcome."

Mark Helprin

"Falling Into Eternity" in First Things, March 2017.


"Evade direct, total responsibility for your wrongdoing,

and you will not cease to do it."

Peter Hitchens

"Drunk on Heresy" in First Things, April 2017.


"A job does more than secure income. 

It provides an opportunity to work,

and work more than money fosters human happiness and growth."

Max Torres

"America Needs Work" in First Things, March 2017.


"Work is a fundamental dimension

of man's existence on earth.  We are created

to do work and, in the doing,

we become more and more who we are."

Max Torres

"America Needs Work" in First Things, March 2017.


"If you can dream it, you can do it."

Walt Disney (1901-1966)


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Dedicated to the sunshine of truth,

the moonshine of meeting deadlines,

and the starshine of Victoria.

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and fewer than a thousand words

at www.VictoriaGazette.com

Leuthner Well Company

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April 2017