"If you put all your eggs into one basket,

you better keep a handle on it."

A. Nony Mouse


"The author who benefits you most is not the one who tells you something you did not know before, but the one who gives expression to the truth that has been dumbly struggling in you for utterance."

Oswald Chambers

Quoted in a letter by Wayne Talbot in Touchstone,

March/April 2015.


"Modern listeners have faulty assumptions

about the source and shape of love and compassion."

Ken Myers

"From Heavenly Harmony" in Touchstone,

March/April 2015.


"Nature is the rational and orderly work of a divine mind,

a belief that spurred Christian theists such as Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler to go looking

for the underlying order of nature

and, in the process, to launch the scientific revolution."

Jonathan Witt

"The Icon of Materialism" in Touchstone,

March/April 2015.


"Only those who love deeply can understand deeply."

R.R. Reno

"The Loving Intellect" in First Things, March 2016.


"We have an intellectual hunger, not just a physical one. 

When our desire for truth is satisfied,

we experience pleasure, even joy."

R.R. Reno

"The Loving Intellect" in First Things, March 2016.


"The natural law involves those axioms so fundamental,

so bound up with the laws of reason,

that one doesn't need a law degree to understand them."

Hadley Arkes

"Inescapably Natural" in First Things, March 2016.


"No one comes to the public square without believing something important based on faith in what someone has told him."

Stephen J. Heaney

"Going Public" in Touchstone, March/April 2016.


"Knowledge of a thing is knowledge of its causes. 

Our present circumstances hardly leapt forth fully formed

from the immediate past."

John Nicholas Blaha

"Truth for Youth" in Touchstone, March/April 2016.


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the moonshine of meeting deadlines,

and the starshine of Victoria.

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April 2016