"What is life?  It is the flash of a firefly in the night. 

It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime."

Crowfoot (1830-1890)

Blackfoot Warrior and Orator.


"Man is what he hears,

and should reform listening habits accordingly."

James Altena

"Listen Upwards" in Touchstone, January/February 2016.


"Law and politics are reflections of society's cultural values,

not the other way around."

Regis Nicoll

"Wilberforce for Good" in Touchstone,

January/February 2016.


"Three virtues that run mad today

are tolerance, kindness, and equality."

David Marshall

"Family Oriented" in Touchstone, January/February 2016.


"We require more than freedom to be virtuous.  We require the will, and the spirit, and the faith, and the humility, and the wisdom to be virtuous, too."

Yuval Levin

"The Perils of Religious Liberty" in First Things,

February 2016.


"Ignoring truth is not an expression of mercy

but a form of spiritually damaging confusion. 

Truth does matter, not just in this life, but beyond it."

Archbishop Charles Chaput

"On Mercy" in First Things, February 2016.


"The task of making and remaking the earth --

which we sometimes call architecture -- is at the core

of any commonsense understanding of the divine."

Christopher Alexander

"Making the Garden" in First Things, February 2016.


"There is a necessary connection between God and architecture. 

The sacredness of the physical world provides a powerful and surprising path towards understanding the existence of God."

Christopher Alexander

"Making the Garden" in First Things, February 2016.


"The English tradition of religious liberty was afforded

to individuals to keep them out of one another's hair

and so keep the commons peaceful and orderly."

Yuval Levin

"The Perils of Religious Liberty" in First Things,

February 2016.


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Dedicated to the sunshine of truth,

the moonshine of meeting deadlines,

and the starshine of Victoria.

The Victoria GAZETTE

March 2016

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and fewer than a thousand words

at www.VictoriaGazette.com

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