"Every country girl needs a country boy

to love, protect, and fight for her."

A. Nony Mouse


"Bad students of God's world are the same as bad students in the academies.  They do not come prepared and do not finish assignments.  They cheat, do poor work, and don't bother to distinguish between good and bad authority."

S. M. Hutchens

"God in the School of Labor" in Touchstone,

Jan./Feb. 2012.


"One of the most frustrating things about being a Christian is that we are not allowed to fight the devil with his own tools.  We cannot lie and cheat

when we are up against liars and cheaters."

S.M. Hutchens

"Tools of Truth" in Touchstone, July/August 2013.


"Self-deception and lying are in part the result

of things other than politics."

Bradley W. Anderson

"Kramer's Criteria" in Touchstone, July/August 2013.


"One of the greatest evils of the internet

is that it distributes megaphones

with universal range to idiots who would

in former times be confined

to their villages.  That's why I quit posting and blogs."

S.M. Hutchens

"Cyber Silence" in Touchstone, July/August 2013.


"It makes no difference whether it is the big army

or the big economy,

or the big bully of mass entertainment or big indoctrination.

It is all dust, building on dust."

Anthony Esolen

"Patriotic Dust" in Touchstone, July/August 2013.


"There is no better symbol of heavenly order

than voices singing sweetly together."

Peter J. Leithart

"Vocal Accord" in Touchstone, July/August 2013.


"Wrong opinions arise from ignorance,

but some ignorance is the result of deliberately ignoring or denying truth."

S.M. Hutchens

"On the Matter of Opinions" in Touchstone,

July/August 2013.

Sue’s Album

A symphony of photos

and fewer than a thousand words

at www.VictoriaGazette.com


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Dedicated to the sunshine of truth,

the moonshine of meeting deadlines,

and the starshine of Victoria.

October 2013

The Victoria GAZETTE