Wayne Neubarth

Victoria  952-443-1910

Tom O’Connell, CPA

Income Tax Preparation.  952-474-6509

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Chaska  *  952-448-2137

CORNERSTONE Insurance Agency

David Barsness * 952-448-5028

Sebenaler Chiropractic Center

Chaska  *  952-448-9908

Christ Victorious Lutheran Church

Just south of Victoria  * 952-443-2993

Custom New Homes

Victoria * 952-443-2740

         When listening to the preaching and announcements at Sunday worship, it is immediately obvious that Moravian minds don’t dwell in the past.  This is evidenced in many ways.  Lake Auburn participates, for example, in “Adopt a Village,” whereby the congregation provides $1,000 a year for a minimum of three years to a very specific village in Tanzania, Africa.  The funds provide medical assistance, education, and community health programs.

         Lake Auburn participates in “Feed My Starving Children,” where members gather to organize bags of rice, chicken protein, dried vegetables, and vitamin supplements.  These ingredients, which are placed in individually sealed bags, are sent around the world to wherever people are hungry.

         “Plus we help in whatever the denomination does globally,” said Frank.  Headquarters for the Worldwide Moravian Church is located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

         Taking care of things at the Victoria campus is mainly a volunteer affair of the active parish.  Frank explained that the Board of Elders takes care of the spiritual dimensions of the church’s life including worship, mission, and membership.  The Elders today are John Wilhoit, Lee Miller, Bruce Shoger, Lisa Vanderlinde, Teri Weitz, Carmen Hokeness, and Frank.

         The Board of Trustees takes care of the building maintenance and budget.  The Trustees today are Tom Mathwig, RaNaye Miller, Mike Reich, Mark Vanderlinde, Dan Hokeness, Richard Gjertsen, and Frank.  Judy Kaaua is the treasurer of the congregation and as such is a trustee without vote.

         There is a Cemetery Committee, a Christian Education Committee, the Choir, Ladies Aid, Sunday School, and Adult Bible Study.  Yard maintenance and mowing are tasks of several church volunteers today.  “Wilfy Plocher used to handle all of that for us,” said Frank.  Wilfred is now a senior member of the Lake Auburn Moravian Church who volunteers in other ways today, such as picking up members for Sunday services who have difficulty with transportation.

         A major expense for the Lake Auburn Church this spring was the installation of a $50,000 handicap lift.  “It’s not a full blown elevator,” Frank explained.  “It’s a lift.  It’s all automatic to meet state code.  It was engineered for the church’s 1960 addition by Kevin Schmieg, but we only put it in this year.  We’re using a Memorial Fund and member gifts to pay for it.”

         The church’s 150th anniversary has been, and is being, celebrated in many ways throughout 2008.  Special projects include the production of a new pictorial directory, a printed collection of memories, bound history minutes, printed T-shirts and jackets, a pictorial calendar, noted speakers, lovefeasts, special gatherings with the Waconia and Chaska Moravians, potlucks dinners, bake sales, and a catered dinner.  With the future of the church in mind, Lake Auburn has also revised its Endowment Fund to be more current.

         As Frank said about the full schedule of events, “A lot of people have pitched in and put in a lot of effort and hours.”


         Congratulations to all of you at the Lake Auburn Moravian Church on 150 years.  Thank you for your kindness and hospitality.  May you continue to be an active and prominent presence on the Victoria scene, and may your inspiring Moravian melodies continue to float over the beautiful shores of Lake Auburn, always inviting others to sing along with you.


But not for us alone this news

was brought by Christ our  Lord.

‘Twas meant for all the world to hear

and thus with one accord

with all God’s children everywhere

His name and sign with pride we bear.

To us, to us, this task is giv’n:

         to spread God’s Word.  Amen.






A Moravian Melody.

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