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City Scoop Continued

Dedicated to the sunshine of truth,

the moonshine of meeting deadlines,

and the starshine of Victoria.

The Victoria GAZETTE

April 2015



         Victoria councilmembers and staff met in a workshop setting on March 23rd with Lyndon Robjent, Carver County Engineer, to talk about county road improvement priorities in Victoria. 

         The priorities are probably County Road 13 (Rolling Acres Road, between Hwy 5 and Hwy 7), Marsh Lake Road (an extension of County Road 14), and County Road 18 (between Bavaria Road and east to Hwy 41).

         County Road 43, for example, is in "fairly decent shape," said City Engineer Cara Geheren.

         No decisions were made at this time except, as Mayor Tom O'Connor said, to "keep the three balls rolling and juggling."  A $200,000 study, if approved, would be cost shared 50/50 between city and county.

         "It's important," said Cara, "for the city to start thinking what the priorities should be and start budgeting."

         City Manager Laurie Hokkanen said that in Chanhassen, where she formerly the Assistant City Manager,  road improvement priorities were listed but not in order.  Chan took advantage of funding as it became available.

         Said Carver County Commissioner Randy Maluchnik, "Taxes are a nasty word, but roads are a better word."  He pointed out that local taxes are needed to build local roads.

         Said Cara, "We haven't had a major county road construction since the late '80's."  She referred specifically to the initial construction of a section of County Road 18 as well as the reconstruction of County 11 past Deer Run to the traffic light in downtown Victoria.



         There was also discussion about crosswalks in Victoria and the rules about who has the right of way. 

         Said Mr. Robjent, "There are a lot of differences in how to handle a crosswalk.  The county's goal is to be consistent over time and have as safe as possible situation for both pedestrians and cars."

         Mr. Robjent said that if a pedestrian has already stepped into a crosswalk, the pedestrian has the right of way.  "Not having crosswalks takes out one of the decision makers," he said.  "Pedestrians wouldn't cross the street until traffic was clear."

         Stated Councilmember Jim Crowley, "We have an ability to make things more safe."

         "The current situation is fraught with confusion," said Mayor Tom O'Connor.

         Mr. Robject said he knows a six-year old child who was killed in a crosswalk.

         Carver County Randy Maluchnik referred to the accident in Chaska that killed Mr. Meuwissen crossing a street.

         Stated Councilmember Crowley,  "We need a controlled device at Red Fox Drive.  I don't know why we don't take that step at that intersection."

         When Mayor O'Connor asked if the city can override warrants in order to install a stop sign, for example, Mr. Robjent replied, "Yes."

         Stated the mayor, "You're hearing from us about these intersections!"  A second intersection is at Stieger Lake Lane and Quamoclit Street where a three-way stop is warranted because of the increase in pedestrian traffic at the location due to the Lakeside Building, the new City Hall, and the new Victoria Library.  There are also dangerous crossings between the St. Victoria Church and Lions Park.

         "We should promote and educate how it works at crosswalks," said Councilmember Tom Strigel.


County Road 18

         The city engineer said that the gravel section between Bavaria Road and State Hwy 41 is, from the city's perspective, an important connection.  "A majority of the road is in Chaska and Chanhassen," she said.  "Everybody has to pay and it's not a priority for them."

         Stated County Commissioner Maluchnik, "The extension of County Road 18 should be our priority.  But the only way Chaska would be interested is if a private developer comes in, for cash flow."

         Mr. Robjent estimated the road extension to be about a $11 million project, with Victoria's share of the cost about $500,000  He also predicted that the road construction "will take care of itself" when a developer starts the development process on property next to the road.


Marsh Lake Road

         The city engineer said that this gravel road is currently under city jurisdiction and is slated to become County Road 14 and be headed into Waconia.  Because of all the development in that area of Victoria, the city will have to upgrade that road before it becomes a county road.  Projected traffic is 14,500 vehicles per day.


Click here to continue Marsh Lake Road.