Sophie and Mia


Love, Grandma Sue

Nick drove over with Sophie and Mia on Sunday morning, August 16th, and picked up Allan for the 10:45 Mass at St. Victoria.  (Jen and her mom were going shopping that day.)  I was already at church, at the piano.  It tickles me to see Sophie and Mia bring cans of food up to the altar at Offertory time, and then skip all the way back to the pews.  Sometimes they also wave at me.

I made a salmon filet for us at noon and I loved that the kids loved it — with ketchup!

As usual, we walked to the bottom of our hill and picked out pretty rocks.

Sophie always likes this doll that I picked out for her when we traveled to Norway.

Washing the rocks makes them shinier and prettier and cleaner.

Then Sophie arranges all the special rocks in a little cabinet that seems perfect for her collection.  Mia loves my stuffed animals.

Grandma Sue loves to hug them and hold them and take pictures of them.

Nick loves his girls.

Then we all drove to Victoria to the new ice cream shop and we also played for a while there.