From the Shrine to Temple Grounds

Directly across the plaza from the Temple we found the Castle of Saint Michael.  As the sign says, “It was built to complement the architecture of the 13th Century Temple” and to give people “a new spirit of courage and strength to define and defend the faith.”

Inside we found a statue of St. Michael the Archangel.

That’s a painting of Mother Angelica with her Temple in the background on the left and her satellite dishes and network studio on the right.

I enjoyed the gift shop here and found all kinds of good things to buy, including a new black bag for me.

As we left the castle, the Temple Shrine seemed to beg for another photo … so I took one to the left ….

… and one to the right …

… and when I got home, I merged them in Photoshop.

Workers were power spraying and spring cleaning the plaza.

As we were driving away, I saw a sign pointing to a replica of the Shrine of Lourdes so we parked and walked to see it on this beautiful spring day.

I was at the real Lourdes in France ten years ago with friend Mary Moore.  Yes, it was the spring of 2006.

The little Filipino lady at this shrine came and talked to me and told me a story about Maria Bambino.  Who ever thinks of our Blessed Mother as a baby?  Mother Angelica did.

The friendly lady lives a little ways down the road and comes here often.  That’s a statue of Bernadette, who was visited by Mary in 1858.  Spring water continues to flow at Lourdes and I brought some home.

As we drove away, I saw other statues in the background, behind the white fence.  You probably recognize the Pieta by Michelangelo.

One more look back.

This is what that painting looks like up close.  It also includes a couple of her Poor Clare sisters, as you can see, and the statue of the Divine Child Jesus.