Final 2014 Classic Car Night

After a summer of many popular Classic Car Nights in downtown Victoria, it finally came to an end.  The last for 2014 was on Wednesday, September 17th.  As usual, the weather cooperated and it was well attended.  As Mayor Tom O’Connor said, “I hate to see the snow come.”

Holly Kreft of Arlington, left, is the recent past Community Development Director for the City of Victoria, now working as the City Administrator for Belle Plaine.  Holly and Cara Geheren, Victoria City Engineer, spent several years working together in Victoria.  They met up again at the city's latest Classic Car Night.  Cara is the principal with Focus Engineering, newly located in the new Lakeside Building on Stieger Lake Lane in Victoria.

Cousins Once Removed.  Mary Moore's mother (Hilda Wartman) was a sister to Steve Jesberg's grandfather (John Schneider).  The Schneiders were early pioneers to Victoria.

Among those enjoying the final Classic Car Night (l-r):  Keith Schmieg of Victoria, Gerald Galuska, and Jessica Tuley. 

Dr. Tim Sebenaler of Sebenaler Chiropractic and Wellness Center of Chaska is involved in many activities and events in both Chaska and Victoria.  He works nearly all events of the Victoria Lions Club.  On Classic Car Nights, Dr. Tim got to be a visitor.

Girls Night Out.  Three tellers at KleinBank of Victoria met on the patio of the Victoria House on Classic Car NIght:  (l-r) Doris Schmieg of Victoria, Sherre Sands of Chaska, and Lois Tiggelaar of Norwood Young America.

Dylan Lowe and his mom Carrie were out for a walk with Stella, their dog.  Married to Ryan Lowe, Carrie is the daughter of Bob and Doris Schmieg of Victoria.  Said Great Grandmother Frannie Schmieg at Dylan's recent baptism, "There are now 99 people in our family."

Soren Garber, 15-month old son of Ben and Sonja Garber of Chaska, enjoyed time in the evening sun with Grandpa Paul Storms.   Paul spends a lot of time on the second floor of the Clocktower building in Victoria where Storms and Alpaugh Tax and Accounting firm has its office.  Soren is Paul's tenth grandchild; his oldest is 23.

Until Next Year.